尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们 :
梅:Ten years grinding a sword,and the final month is here——june! Then came the season.
梅:Our school mates in grade 9 has entered the final sprint, the hors of the Senior Entrance examination had sounded,the expedition ships had sailed.The hole life can have a few challenge to beat, today the challenge is here in front of us!
梅:The Senior Entrance examination is a river full of waves.It will fest our faith,will and fighting force.We can only fight against the waves,go forward without fear,then we will appreciate the gorgeous view at the other side,enjoy the happiness of success.
梅:The Senior Entrance examination is also a very important challenge in our life.It`s beast with difficulties.But no matter how difficult,I believe that we can beat it by our abundent knowlege.We will add a luxuriant paint in our junior middle school life!
梅:We get today`s achievement with so much fight and so much sweat.Students in Grade 9 had spent so many years and so many struggles.What they want is just a kickpoint in their situation!The Senior Entrance examination !Today,the emamination has entered has entered the final sprint,classmates in Grade 7 and 8 also greet the final examination.Let`s work hard together,fight together,fight together,don`t regret it,to do all we can to get a better mark!
我们总会向往辉煌灿烂的明天,可明天是由每一个今天垒成,有向往、有行动、有坚持,方会使刹那变成永恒,使梦想变成现实。同学们,中考是人生激动人心的第一次撞线,它会让你的努力变成荣耀,让你的付出结出硕果,而这一切的可能,都需要你们从今天的冲刺做起,分秒必争,全力以赴。“拼一个春夏秋冬,搏一生无怨无悔”。 作为你们的老师,我们朝夕相伴,有幸陪同学们一同走过了你们生命中最亮丽的青春季节。我们愿意记住每一张灿烂如花的笑脸和每一个阳光遍地、书声朗朗的早晨。我们愿倾其所有,风雨同舟,助你们扬帆远航。
中考在即,英雄弯弓。同学们,你们才情满怀,你们斗志昂扬,请拿出你们的智慧,拿出你们的勇气,用你们那颗永不服输的心,用拼搏去创造奇迹,用奋斗去铸就辉煌。今天我们胸怀天下,志存高远,明天我们一定会成为金桥的骄傲!同学们,逐梦的青春最美丽,奋斗的青春最闪耀,诚挚的祝愿初三学子旗开得胜,马到成功! 谢谢大家!
梅:Please welcome Mr Ma to give a speach.
梅:When you hoist the sails to cross the sea, you ride the winds and cleare the waves!We embrance the world,we have great ideas today,so tomorrow we will realize the ideal,to reach the shove of success!
梅:Thanks for Mr. Ma’s wonderful speech.At last,Let`s give our best wishes to the brothers and sisters in Grade 9,we all hope you can win victory soon and speedy success!