



戴:Our topic today is Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and the United States. It was originally celebrated as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year.


戴:Lets welcome He Haoyang, a student from our class, to give us a speech about it.

何:Good morningeveryone! Im He haoyang. My topic today is Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November in the USA. It is a festival that was created by the Americans. It is like the Mid-Autumn Festival in China. People get together and eat turkeys, pumpkins. And now Im going to tell you something that you might not know about this

We all know that Thanksgiving Day is a traditional festival in the USA, but do you know Canadians also celebrate this festival? And do you know that some other countries like Greece, Egypt celebrate it as well? Actually, more and more countries are joining to celebrate it.

Today, I decide to let you know about the history of the Thanksgiving Day. A lot of people ask me about the history of this festival. Now Im going to tell you about it. Four hundred years ago, some British puritans came to America in a ship called Mayflower. When they were landing, the aboriginal people came and provided them with some food and drinks, and then, those puritans thought this was a gift from the Jesus. They decided to give thanks to the aboriginals. On the first Thanksgiving Day, the puritans and the aboriginals got together and offered sacrifices to the god, like turkeys. The first Thanksgiving Day was a great success. The praiseworthy point is that almost all the customs still exist at present. Those traditional customs are so impressive that they have been preserved for over 400 years!

At last, I want to remind us all that we cant give thanks to others only on Thanksgiving Day, we should also do that in any single day of our lives.

This is all I want to talk about the Thanksgiving Day. I really hope you have learnt something from my article.

Thank you all very much!




谢:学会感恩,学会去感恩那些帮助过我们的人,拉近心与心的距离。感恩不是说说而已,而是一些令人感动的小事。我们可以在早晨上学前跟父母说一声 “爸爸、妈妈,我去上学了。”到校时,问候一下老师,“老师早!”……
