
Good morningdear teachers and classmates


洪:I’m Hong Yufan from class One, Grade Eight

顾:今天,我们的主题是学习十九大精神 共筑中国梦

洪:Today, our topic is “Learning the spirits of the 19th CPC National Congress, Creating the wonderful dream of China.”


洪:July 23, 1921,it’s an unforgetable day for all the Chinese.The first Congress of the Communist Party of China took place on that day in Shanghai. The Congress formally announced the birth of the CPC. It is just like a new sun rising from the east and lightens the road of Chinese revolution. Last week, the CPC held its 19th Congress. It is an extremely important meeting in the critical period of China's development. It also assumes the plan to build a well-off society in an all-round way. At the same time, it promotes the important task of constructing socialist modernization.  





洪:The report tells the whole world during the past 5 years,  the People’s Communist Party of China took on great political courage and strong responsibility, put forward a large number of new concepts, new ideas and new strategies, introduced a series of important policies and launched many good measures. It solved many problems which haven’t been solved for a long time. It helped to accomplish a lot of great things which we wanted to complete yet haven’t been done. It promoted historical changes in the cause of the Party and the country as well.










洪:Many thanks to Shen Jing for his speech. A theory that only keeps pace with the times can live forever. A kind of thought that only leads the Society can show its greatness. With eighty nine million and four hundred and forty thousand members, the world’s largest Party continues to promote the theoretical innovation on the basis of practice. The light of truth of Marx doctrine will certainly illuminate the great rejuvenation of Chinese dream.


洪:Dear classmates, let’s learn together the spirits of the 19th CPC National Congress. Let’s strive to work hard and build a Chinese dream. Through hard work, let’s proudly say “ It’s amazing, my motherland”