
Z: Good morning, dear teachers and schoolmates.

G: 我是来自初二(3)班的顾思翰。

Z: I’m Zhao Fangying from Class 3, Grade 8.

G: 今天升旗仪式的主题是消防安全,铭记于心

Z: According to the statisticsthere are about ten thousand fires every day all over the world.

G: 每一场火灾都会夺走无数人的生命,拆散无数和睦的家庭。

Z: The lack of fire knowledge and the weak sense of self-safety always blind us. As a result, a lot of fatal lessons are seen and heard of.

G: 我们回望过去,火灾演绎出的那一幕幕悲剧,让人难以忘怀。

Z: So our country has set the ‘Fire publicity day’ on November 9th every year to improve people’s awareness of fire safety.

G: 作为中学生,我们应将目光定位到自己身上,从平常的学习生活细节入手,注意消防安全,防止各类消防事故的发生。

Z: Now, we will give you some pieces of advice:

G: 自觉爱护校园内的各种消防设施,如学校走廊两边的消防栓、灭火器等。

Z: Take good care of fire fighting devices in our school, such as hydrants, extinguishers and so on.

G: 不带易燃易爆的危险物品进校。如果是课堂实验需要,应当好好保管,不在课间随意拿出来玩耍。

Z: Don’t take dangerous materials into our school. If we need to use them in class, we should look after them well. Don’t play them at break.

G: 当同学全部离开教室时,有时会忘记关掉电灯或电风扇,教室里没有人而这些东西却仍然开着,这就存在消防隐患,一些事故便会因此而发生。所以同学们应该养成随手关电源的习惯。

Z: Turn off all the lights, electric fans and air-conditioners when we leave our classrooms.

G: 同时我们还要认真对待每年学校组织的消防疏散演习,做到防患于未然。

Z: We must take an active part in the fire evacuation drill every year because we all know that “To forestall is better than to amend”.

G: 下面有请初二(3)班张凝馨做国旗下讲话。

Z: Now let’s welcome Zhang Ningxin to give us a speech on this topic.


Dear teachers and students:

Good morning.

It’s my great honor to stand here for the speech. I’m Zhang Ningxin from class 3, Grade 8. Today, my topic is about fire safety.

If someone asks me what the most important thing in the world is, “It is life.” I will answer it without any doubt and hesitation. We are very lucky to live in a world full of love and joy. But unfortunately, disasters always come to us. Almost all the fire accidents are the consequences of poor fire safety awareness and violation of fire safety operations. I can hardly believe that there’s no way for us to prevent it from happening to us. The main reason why people are still suffering from the fire is the lack of love and the value of life. We only live once. Nothing is more important than life. And security can be the guarantee of human life. Only by cherishing life can we live happily ever after. And fire safety is so important for us that we need to pay attention to it through the whole life. Indeed, danger is everywhere. Only with a great sense of security, can we go through ups and downs.

The terrible sights of the accidents hit our hearts again and again. “One man’s fault is other man’s lesson.” We should always make our efforts to build a safer environment in and out of our schoolyard to prevent the tragedy. “Keep Away From the Fire And Create a Harmonious Society” is our common goal. Let’s always keep it in mind and try hard to achieve our goal by starting with small things around us. We should always turn off the lights and water dispensers. We shouldn’t take matches or other flammable materials to school too. There’re always lots of things we can do to keep fires away from us.                                                                                

From now on, let us work together to protect ourselves and others from fire accidents and enjoy the hopeful tomorrow!

G: 同学们,远离火灾,珍惜生命。

Z: Please keep away from fire and cherish our lives, everyone!

G: 消防安全,铭记于心!

Z: Fire safety, bearing in mind!