Z & Y: 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们,大家好!

Z: 我是初三(1)班的支封钦。

Y: I am Yuan Minrui from Class 1 Grade 9.

Z: 金风送爽,丹桂飘香,一年一度的教师节即将来临。韩愈《师说》言:师者,所以传道受业解惑也。可以说,我们的成长离不开老师们谆谆的教诲。Y: Golden wind sends us refreshing, fragrant air.  The annual Teachers’ Day is coming. Shi Shuo, written by Han Yu tells us that a teacher is the one who can propagate the doctrine, impart professional knowledge and resolve doubts. It is believed that our growth is inseparable from the teachers’ earnest instruction.

Z: 感谢您老师,您让我们成为自信的,能超越自己的人。你用事实向我们证明:学习并不是一种负担,而是一种快乐和责任,一把通向未知领域的钥匙。您教会我们用自己的头脑和双手大胆探索,去寻找和发现,让生活充满惊喜!

Y: Thank you, teachers, for making us confident and able to surpass ourselves. You use facts to guide us. Learning is not a burden, but a kind of happiness and responsibility, a key to the unknown. You teach us how to use our own minds and hands to explore, to seek and to make the life full of surprises without any hesitation!

Z: 感谢您从不对我们冷嘲热讽。即使结果不尽如人意,也让我们明白努力的过程比结果更为重要。是您让我们懂得生活能像一张纸一样单薄,也可以像大海一样深邃,向天空一样辽阔,而我们必须自己做出自己的选择。您带领我们所经历的每个问题,每个发现,每次体验都令我们着迷。

Y: Thank you for never sneering at us.Even if the result is not so satisfactory, it also helps us understand that the process of hard work is more important than the result itself. You let us know that life can be as thin as a piece of paper, or as deep as the sea and as vast as the skyand we have to make our own choices, however. Every problem, every discovery, every experience you’ve led us through has fascinated us.

Z: 教书先育人,教师不仅在知识和言行上是学生效仿的对象,而且教师更为学生、为我们大家树立了良好的品德样板。

Y: It’s a priority to educate a person. A teacher’s words as well as his rich knowledge are there for a student to follow, not simply the teacher’s moral example.

Z: 教师的优秀品格令每一位学生终生受益,教师的高尚道德让所有人为之感动。让我们来听听来自初三(1)班宋佳妮同学想对老师诉说的心声。

Y: The excellent character of a teacher benefits every student throughout his lifetime, and the noble morality of a teacher touches everyone. Let’s welcome!


初三(1)班  宋佳妮












Z: 的确,老师们总是在关心着我们。现在回忆起以前的那些老师,早已没了当年的那些畏惧,抵触,所留下的,只有浓浓的感激。

Y: Indeed, the teachers always care about us. Now, when I recall the teachers from the past, obviously, the fear and resistance of those years have long gone, and all has gone left in a deep gratitude.

Z: 马上就将迎来教师节了,让我们一起用行动,表达对老师诚挚的敬意。老师们,教师节快乐!

Y: Teachers’ Day is coming soon. Let’s take action to show our sincere respect to teachers. Happy Teachers’ Day!